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MITRE Collegiate Embedded CTF 2020


Designing a secure Embedded audio player system with Digital Rights Management (DRM) functionality


Design Document

Our original design document describes our plans for the security and functionality of the device.
The design also specifies device and song provisioning scripts to be run by the manufacturer.
This design document is available [here] and included below.

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Design Details

After completing our design, we published another paper detailing features of our finalized design.
That document is availabe [here] and included below.

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We developed a number of Python scripts for provisioning the systems and songs.
Links to these scripts are coming soon.


We were invited to an awards ceremony, where we shared a summary video.
Here is our 0xDACC presentation video, also embedded below.


Overview Embedded Systems, Cryptography, Security
Languages C, Python, Verilog
Cryptography Block Cipher, Modes of Operation, CTR mode,
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
Tools Vagrant, Virtualbox, Xilinx Studio
Hardware Microblaze, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Cora Z7
Skills Project Management, Presenting Product, Research, Composing Reports


Eli Cochran - Advisor
Andrew Beaver - Assistant Project Lead, Development Environment
Evan Stephens - Digital Media
Sean Mott, Kyle Maroscher - Development
Evan McDonald, Matthew Hurst, John Simonis - Hardware


Embedded Capture the Flag - MITRE
Archive: eCTF 2020 - MITRE
County News Article - Delaware Gazette
Follow-up Article - Delaware Gazette